047: Business Protection is Necessary
047: Business Protection is Necessary
with Angie Avard Turner, ESQ.
On the podcast today is Angie Avard Turner an attorney who loves pattern and color. After over 20 years in retail, 14 years in wholesale, and 8 years in licensing, Angie decided to meet a glaring need of creatives—an attorney who was familiar with the needs of creative entrepreneurs and an understanding of the law.
Angie believes that her entrepreneurial experience coupled with her legal education uniquely situate her to give an interesting twist on how the law can affect one's creative endeavors. She is a presenter, mentor and speaker all over the country helping creatives take care of their businesses from a legal perspective. In 2018 she launched her latest endeavor, Prep’d for Success – a one stop on-line shop for creative business resources.
Topics Mentioned:
Intellectual property
Listen to the Episode
Thoughts from Angie:
I saw others experience the same issues that I already experienced.
Creatives are impacted by not protecting their creative works.
You want to protect the “things” you create.
You can protect a pattern, but you cannot protect the “useful” thing.
The law has not caught up with certain “protections”.
A photograph can be protected by a copyright.
A tradedress protects the look and feel of a product or a service.
The internet is a tool and a weapon at the same time.
You are one click away from finding out that someone is copying you.
There are different contracts to be aware of and what they are used for.
Be proactive and protecting rather than reactive and having to defend.
Website: http://www.angieavardturnerlaw.com
Website: https://www.prepdforsuccess.com
References and Resources:
PIAC EP. 029 - Nicole Heymer - Listen Today
Start with Why by Simon Sinek
The Designers' Inner Circle - Become a Member Today!