Transform Your Interior Design Firm

As an interior design professional, you excel in creativity but may struggle with the financial aspects of running your business. At Scarlet Thread Consulting, we specialize in helping designers like you achieve financial clarity and business growth.

Do any of these sound familiar?

You work harder than ever, but your earnings don't reflect your efforts.


Managing finances, taxes, and paying yourself feels overwhelming.


Great sales, but poor cash flow.


Balancing family life and business feels impossible.


The Solution: The Designers’ Inner Circle

Financial Strategy: Tailored plans to optimize profitability.


Business Management: Learn to manage your team and streamline operations.


Community Support: Network with like-minded professionals and share insights.


…. And none of this is getting you what you really desire.

News flash my friend - in the kindest way possible…

I am here to tell you what you really need is a holistic, scalable plan, and a seasoned mentor to guide you through the process.

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Hi Beautiful, Creative, Female Entrepreneur

I see you. I know you. I serve you all day every day.

Every day designers tell me…

They are constantly putting out fires.

They don’t know how to make sure their margins, billable hours and design fees work for them.

They are feeling reactive rather than proactive.

They always feel anxious going on “airplane mode” during a family outing.

They are unsure who to hire and what to pay and when to bring new team members on.

The business is starting to feel really hard and messy.

They feel unclear (and sometimes a little “silly”) not knowing + understanding their numbers.

They have experienced MAJOR growing pains.

Their passion is starting to feel like a job, and that scares you.

In short, my clients know that what got them to their first 7-figures is not sustainable for the next 7-figures.

There is a Much Better Way to Scale Your Business…

I know because I have done it and helped hundreds of creative focused female entrepreneurs go from surviving to thriving. Sounds cliche’, I know, but my clients literally tell me they used to feel like a swan trying stay afloat looking graceful on the outside, but beneath they were paddling like crazy and hiding their tears.

After our work using the AIM with Intent™ methodology, my clients spend less time in their business, they are less stressed and their firms are more profitable. They have more cash in their pocket, vacation on their calendars, mid-day workouts, phone on “airplane mode” when with their family.

Sounds beautiful, right?

Well, it is. My clients will tell you that I am selective and when I decide to work with a woman, I become an extra member of her team. I am on her “board of directors”, if you will.

I become an advisor on all things strategy, financial and future planning. Dreamy, right?

The AIM with Intent™ Methodology

Increase Profitability

Find profit leaks that you did not even know existed. Clean up processes so that profitability is maximized at the micro and macro levels in the business. Know your profit centers so that you can make decisions about the best work for your team. Increase pricing to align with your knowledge, experience, value and time.

Manage your Team

Hire top candidates for well-defined roles. Job responsibilities clearly understood with full connection to the core work of the company.

Culture of the company is positive and well-crafted so that each person is integral to the success and understands how they are needed and wanted. Everyone wants to come to work every day.

Understand Your Financials 

Know the numbers. Plain and simple. Understand where you are making money, how that translates into company profit, how your decisions at every level impact the company. Use this information to inform your decision making and feel secure in your money management.

Enjoy Your Success

Work less hours. Go on vacation. Delegate work with the confidence that it will be done and done well. Have the funds to bring into your home for all of the personal needs you have. Once again have passion for the career and company you are building.

Be supported in the position of CEO

You are not alone. Total support for your position to discuss sensitive topics surrounding your business that you cannot share with your team members. Assistance in finding outside resources for the ongoing needs of your company.

Grow as a Leader

We will work together to grow your business but most importantly you. Invest in you, because you are the most important employee in your company. Mindset and heart work that help you become aligned in your life – at work and at home.

Taking Ownership

I am a no fluff all grace in the chaos kind of coach. I get to the heart of the matter very directly, but with a gentleness that allows you to stay in control. I’ve built a firm on honesty and integrity that is perfectly suited to educate, equip, empower and encourage you to own every aspect of your company.

That is why I am incredibly selective in who I take on as a client. I only bring on two new clients a month because I quite literally become their extra business partner. I know this creative entrepreneurial world inside and out. When you work with me you are investing in access to me and my network of trusted industry partners from the best of bookkeepers to operations support and business consultants.

In the past year…

4 of my clients added an extra 7-figures to their revenue.

15 of my clients have increased their NET PROFIT anywhere from 10% to 850% to even 25,000% - you read that right!

50% of my clients are now offering benefits like 401k and healthcare without reducing their own pay.

96% of my clients have increased their salary by 20% or more.


“I now have confidence when making financial decisions and growing the business.”

Morgan Motsinger

Interior Designer

Morgan runs multiple companies in the interiors industry. She reached out to learn to manage the finances of each not only together but independently and to learn how to assess for short term and long term profitability. She now knows how the money is flowing with her company and can make better decisions.

“We had gone as far as we could on our own and needed someone with expertise to help us go further – that was Michele.”

Chandler Quarles

Interior Designer

When Chandler and Jeremy joined, they had consumed lots of information and implemented all that they knew to do, but they realized there was more needed to really build a business that was sustainable and excellent. They did not want to journey alone, and reached out. We have been able to tighten processes and clarify the financials which has poised them for continued excellence and fortified their confidence.

Before we set up a call to determine if we are a fit on both sides...let's get clear. Based on the intimacy of my work, I only work with 2 new clients a month so I can stay committed to their unique journey.

Scarlet Thread is not for you if…

You are looking to do all of this quickly in a few months. We can find profit quickly, but this is a process to do well and it takes time.

You aren’t serious about looking at every aspect of your business. We leave no stone unturned and everything goes onto the table for evaluation.

You aren’t willing to invest time, money and resources to get something different from what you currently have.

You aren’t serious about creating a sustainable, profitable company that operates with integrity.

You only care about making money and not investing in people.

You are not coachable and only want to explain why you are where you are.

You have an established business and are ready to scale to the next level.

You are impact-driven and committed to getting results.

You are open minded and coachable. You are willing to test new ideas and make difficult decisions.

You are ready to do the work and create time in your schedule to address your company needs.

You are ready to support others on a similar journey as yours.

You are willing to invest in the mentorship and training you need to take your business to the next level.

You are motivated and driven. You know you are capable of more and need the right support to get you there.

You are ready to support yourself with high level thinkers that are invested in their business like you are yours.

You are positive and optimistic. You think big and are ready to go all in. You understand your mindset and attitude are critical to gaining continued success.

You are ready to massively grow your business right now.

You aren’t serious about looking at every aspect of your business. We leave no stone unturned and everything goes onto the table for evaluation.

You aren’t willing to invest time, money and resources to get something different from what you currently have.

You aren’t serious about creating a sustainable, profitable company that operates with integrity.

You only care about making money and not investing in people.

You are not coachable and only want to explain why you are where you are.

Scarlet Thread is for you if…

If you are finally ready and willing to do what it takes to have the business you desire, let’s chat.

There is a better way to scale and grow your business than by trying every new idea without a strategic plan. This feels like throwing jello to the wall to see what sticks – and I know you are done with that approach.

The first step is to apply for a Strategy Call.

On this call we will share with you our system to help you fast track, with confidence, to the successful business you want.

Take a few minutes to fill out the application and be thorough and honest.

This process helps us prepare for our conversation to make it the best use of our time together.

We don’t accept every applicant into our program.

If we don’t think we fit, we will tell you. I promise. Our goal is to work with those who we are ideally suited to help attain desired results. We want to work with people who share our same values and are ready to do the work.

So, If you are ready to create your best possible business, have clarity, confidence and control – now is the time to reach out.

Complete the application and book a time to speak with us.

We are excited about helping you reach your goals.

Unfiltered Wisdom: Free Coaching from Michele’s Keyboard to You

Subscribe now to receive two free coaching emails per month, personally crafted by Michele! Delivered every two weeks, these emails are packed with valuable insights, actionable strategies, and thought-provoking ideas to guide you on your business transformation journey towards greater success.