037: Laughter Fuels Life and Business

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037: Laughter Fuels Life and Business

with JoAnne Lenart-Weary

JoAnne Lenart-Weary is the owner of the JLW Company, a decorator, home stager, instructor and so much more. She has had a career in the interior design industry for over 40 years. She founded the Decorating and Staging Academy and continues to provide assistance in building curriculum and growth strategies for the academy. JoAnne can be found at many conferences and online, sharing her vast knowledge.

 Topics Mentioned:

  • Laughter

  • Change

  • Education

  • Joy

Listen to the Episode

037: LAUGHTER FUELS LIFE AND BUSINESS WITH JOANNE LENART-WEARY JoAnne Lenart-Weary is the owner of the JLW Company, a decorator, home stager, instructor and so much more. She has had a career in the interior design industry for over 40 years.

Thoughts from JoAnne:

  • When I finally started to think like a business woman, my sales were increasing.

  • Because of personal experiences, validation was more important than money.

  • It’s a huge driver when we start thinking and knowing that we are worth it.

  • As business people, we must find the balance between our right brain and left brain.

  • You have to maintain a sense of humor.

  • You can’t take yourself too seriously.

  • When you laugh at yourself or find humor in things, people will see you as more approachable.

  • Failure is not as terrifying as we think it to be.

  • You will enjoy your business more if you have no fear fo failure.

  • Staging is part of your profitability.

  • Think of ways to tell a story. Whisper the beginning of a story and let them tell the end.

  • Look at the rooms in their totality but broken up into zones.

  • As stagers we need to make statements. We have a responsibility to add style to what we are doing.

  • We have to be able to service clients regardless of their budget.

  • We need to think of the client as a life-time client and not a one night stand.

  • We have the responsibility to educate the client.

  • When you quit loving what you are doing, think about how you can evolve and change what you are doing so you can recapture the joy of the process.


  • Website: https://howtodecorateandstage.com

  • Facebook: How to Decorate and Stage

  • Facebook Groups: How to Decorate and Stage and Interior Decorators Set on Success

  • Instagram: @HowtoDecorateandStage

References and Resources:


038: Product Development Takes Persistence


036: Press Brings Engagement