043: Managing Expectations from the Start
043: Managing Expectations from the Start
with Claire Jefford
On the podcast today is Claire Jefford. Claire began her award winning Interior Decorating firm in 2011 & quickly grew her business, boasting the highest reviewed design professional in the Greater Toronto area with 100 Houzz reviews. In 2017, Claire started a second business as a Business Coach.
With a background in Human Resources, Claire is passionate about having organized processes, marketing & she also loves creating videos. Audiences love Claire for her authentic personality, her helpful, straight up advice & cheeky sense of humor.
Topics Mentioned:
Setting Expectations
Listen to the Episode
Thoughts from Claire:
You create your own “luck” because you work hard.
I am not a big fan of “Fake it until you make it.”
Consider what you don’t like doing in your business and find a way to delegate it.
Do things the right way from the start.
Have the conversation about money upfront. That will give you a good indication on some things.
Make it a point to sit down to review the letter of agreement and expectations with your client.
Look back at previous experiences to identify red flags.
Explain your processes and how you work.
Be authentic. Provide value. Be consistent.
Consider using video to bring brand awareness to your company.
Website: www.clairejefford.com
Facebook: Claire Jefford Consulting
Instagram: @clairejefford
Youtube: Claire Jefford
References and Resources:
Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
A Well Designed Business by LuAnn Nigara
PIAC EP. 40 Kolleen Losch - Listen Today
Interior Design Business Strategies - Join Today
Build A Profitable Business for Interior Designers and Workrooms - Join Today