028: Niche Accounting For Trusted Advisement

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028: Niche Accounting For Trusted Advisement

with Peter Lang

Peter Lang, CPA, is an accountant who specializes in the unique accounting challenges faced by artistic professionals. Designers and other artistic professionals may find that ordinary CPAs are simply unequipped for their needs, but with 16 years of tax and accounting experience under his belt, Peter is a proven expert in helping interior designers do their taxes and all the other financial duties that art school didn’t teach them.

 Peter moved to Boston in 2004 to pursue his Master in Taxation degree. It was there that he began working at a large cutthroat accounting firm, where he was written up for the first and only time in his professional life for “helping people too much.” He then moved on to a small firm where he quickly became bored with the life of a traditional CPA and noticed that interior designers were consistently underserved by standard CPAs, so he decided to pursue his dream of running his own firm and settling down with his family and business in Rhode Island.

 Topics Mentioned:

  • Niche

  • Communication

  • Advisor

  • Taxes

Listen to the Episode

028: NICHE ACCOUNTING FOR TRUSTED ADVISEMENT WITH PETER LANG Peter Lang, CPA, is an accountant who specializes in the unique accounting challenges faced by artistic professionals.

Thoughts from Peter:

  • Ask questions to see if the potential accountant is a best fit for you.

  • Ask about the relationship the accountant has with other bookkeepers.

  • Understand the software packages that the accountant is familiar with.

  • Your accountant should be doing an analysis of your business type to advise you on the best structure for you.

  • Pay attention to the numbers and ask your accountant questions.

  • Don't spend a large sum of money until you talk to your trusted advisor.  If you ask before spending, you will be in a better position.


References and Books:


029: Branding to Create Your Narrative


027: Referrals Without Asking For A Full Pipeline