221: Niching in Your Design Business From the Start
221: Niching in Your Design Business From the Start
with Kaitlin Brophy
Joining me on the podcast today is Kaitlin Brophy with Brook and Elm. What I love about the conversation that we're about to have is that it's going to be focused on creating a niche company from the very beginning, using skill sets from a prior career, and also just building a business with intentionality. So I hope you enjoy the podcast.
Topics Mentioned:
Outdoor design
Building in a season
Listen to the Episode
Key Thoughts:
I learned from listening to a podcast that there is a real benefit and importance to niching in your business for setting yourself apart. Kaitlin Brophy (6:03)
I wanted to be able to be kind of a whole person in that I needed to have some type of outlet to express my creativity and my desires. But I also wanted to be that mom and I wanted to be a wife and I wanted to be able to go pick them up at preschool or do whatever I needed to do. Michele (9:35)
One of the things that was easy for me to translate into the businesses that I've created are those operations and procedures all the way back from building software. Michele (14:07)
I think the pandemic taught everyone how important is to have outdoor spaces that they want to spend time in and really make fun and functional. Kaitlin Brophy (22:47)
Contact Michele:
Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting
Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL
Website: ScarletThreadConsulting.com
LinkedIn: Michele Williams
Contact Kaitlin:
Email: kaitlin@brookandelm.com
Website: Brook and Elm
Instagram: @brookandelm
References and Resources:
Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
E-Myth by Michael Gerber