035: Play to Your Strengths

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035: Play to Your Strengths

with Darren Virassammy

Darren Virassammy is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of 34 Strong - a new breed of consultancy that believes everyone deserves a great place to work and that any workplace can be great. A leading expert in the global Employee Engagement Community, the 34 Strong team leverages the Gallup Strengths Finder Assessment and the Q12 Employee Engagement Survey to create massive shifts within organizations - both culturally and on the bottom line.

Darren is a nationally acclaimed keynote speaker and facilitator on the topic of strength leadership and employee engagement.

 Topics Mentioned:

  • Strengths

  • Focus

  • Confidence

  • Natural ability

  • Self-awareness

Listen to the Episode

035: PLAY TO YOUR STRENGTHS WITH DARREN VIRASSAMMY Darren Virassammy is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of 34 Strong - a new breed of consultancy that believes everyone deserves a great place to work and that any workplace can be great.

Thoughts from Darren:

  • Your talents is a matter of your own nature and nurture.

  • The Strength Finders just simply measures the presence of talent.

  • People do not see certain habits/actions as talent.

  • We have been conditioned to focus on our negatives and weaknesses.

  • You have to know who you are and who you are not.

  • We need to understand that our talents can be an asset or liability.

  • You have to think about what is your greatest impact.

  • People are valued for being valuable.

  • We have to see people through the lens of the strengths of their talents.

  • Consider what things we really need to be doing.

  • If you have strength finders results for your team, engage them to see what strength is driving them at any given moment.

  • When you get fascinated about talents, it actually helps us achieve better outcomes and it will help engage the team.

  • How powerful would it be is you start seeing your kids through their God-given talents?

  • Create a Team Talent Map to see what the team brings to the table as a whole.

  • You will have individuals on the team who may have different strengths from others and they are still valuable.

  • The Team Talent Map can help you see where you will shine and it will help you see the areas you need to be mindful of.

  • As leaders, being aware of our strengths and weaknesses help drive the culture we create in our business.

  • You can disagree with someone and still validate that they have talents.

  • When you unlock your full 34, it allows you to manage your area of weakness.

  • There is a version of you that is truly your zone of genius and your zone of excellence.


References and Resources


BONUS: Profit First Success Stories with Marie Kurmin


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