035: Play to Your Strengths
035: Play to Your Strengths
with Darren Virassammy
Darren Virassammy is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of 34 Strong - a new breed of consultancy that believes everyone deserves a great place to work and that any workplace can be great. A leading expert in the global Employee Engagement Community, the 34 Strong team leverages the Gallup Strengths Finder Assessment and the Q12 Employee Engagement Survey to create massive shifts within organizations - both culturally and on the bottom line.
Darren is a nationally acclaimed keynote speaker and facilitator on the topic of strength leadership and employee engagement.
Topics Mentioned:
Natural ability
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Thoughts from Darren:
Your talents is a matter of your own nature and nurture.
The Strength Finders just simply measures the presence of talent.
People do not see certain habits/actions as talent.
We have been conditioned to focus on our negatives and weaknesses.
You have to know who you are and who you are not.
We need to understand that our talents can be an asset or liability.
You have to think about what is your greatest impact.
People are valued for being valuable.
We have to see people through the lens of the strengths of their talents.
Consider what things we really need to be doing.
If you have strength finders results for your team, engage them to see what strength is driving them at any given moment.
When you get fascinated about talents, it actually helps us achieve better outcomes and it will help engage the team.
How powerful would it be is you start seeing your kids through their God-given talents?
Create a Team Talent Map to see what the team brings to the table as a whole.
You will have individuals on the team who may have different strengths from others and they are still valuable.
The Team Talent Map can help you see where you will shine and it will help you see the areas you need to be mindful of.
As leaders, being aware of our strengths and weaknesses help drive the culture we create in our business.
You can disagree with someone and still validate that they have talents.
When you unlock your full 34, it allows you to manage your area of weakness.
There is a version of you that is truly your zone of genius and your zone of excellence.
Website: https://34strong.com
Facebook: 34 Strong
References and Resources
Grind, Greatness, Genius - Download Now!
First, Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham
Discover Your 34 - Take Assessment Today!
Play to Their Strengths - Read the Blog Today!
Correct Your Cashflow - Download Today!