Bonus: Setting Goals that Matter
Bonus: Setting Goals that Matter
with Jennifer Dawn
Jennifer is joining us again on the podcast to talk about goal setting. As the creator of The Best Planner Ever, Jennifer specializes in productivity, strategy and mindset surrounding goals and planning and moving business forward. Enjoy this freeing conversation and then go set some goals!
Topics Mentioned:
Blue Monday
Listen to the Episode
Thoughts from Jennifer:
You can make it through Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year.
93% of new year’s resolutions are not met.
Lowering the bar can be a great strategy.
A daily planning tool is crucial - one that supports you.
Having a strategy means planning and having a prioritized list of what needs to happen.
Once you are in the groove, planning does not have to take up a lot of your time.
Links and Resources:
Best Planner Ever
Use promo code PROFIT for 20% off of a planner.
Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
212 The Extra Degree by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson
Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
Facebook: JenniferDawn8
Instagram: @JenniferDawn8