264: The Role of Storytelling in Your Email Marketing 

264: The Role of Storytelling in Your Email Marketing

With me today is Kamala Nair. Kamala is a meticulous copywriter, a brand voice expert, and a published novelist with more than 20 years of professional writing experience. Our focus today will be on email messaging surrounding your conversion and nurture campaigns. Listen in as we talk about the importance of storytelling in your messaging.

Topics Mentioned:

  • Email Marketing

  • Storytelling

  • Conversion Campaigns

  • Vulnerability In Business 

Listen to the Episode

Key Thoughts: 

  • Humans are wired for story. It’s how we make sense of the world.  Kamala Nair 

  • People need the words. They need to sit with the words. They need to chew on the words. They need to absorb them and digest them before they make a move.  Michele Williams

  • Email is a much more intimate and direct form of communication than something like social media.  Kamala Nair 

  • There is a happy medium between no CTA and beating them over the head with a CTA and the Ginsu knife thing. There's something in the middle. And I think each of us has to find where that middle ground is for us and for our leaders.  Michele Williams 

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Click here to read the transcript for this episode.


265: Managing Your Team Effectively 


263: Your Financial Personality Impacts Your Decisions