089: Brand Clarity is The Starting Point
089: Brand Clarity is The Starting Point
with Kimberly Sundt
Kimberly Sundt is with us on the podcast today to discuss all things branding. Kimberly, in her business, focuses on the 4 C’s of Branding: clarity, communication, consistency, and conversation. We will discuss why being super clear on your branding will increase your confidence and actually make “selling” your services so much easier. We also discuss why client experience and perspective matter and the roles they play in your brand story.
Topics Mentioned:
Brand Clarity
Brand Communication
Brand Consistency
Brand Conversation
Listen to the Episode
Key Thoughts:
It has been a journey and a complicated roadmap and a lot of paths and twists and turns. I'm thrilled where I am today. - Kimberly (01:40)
Profitability is not just talking about money. It's talking about the profitability of our brand. - Michele (11:58)
It used to be logo meant that was your brand, which we know is not the case, but that was kind of what people saw as synonymous. - Michele (13:22)
I know we're all going to look at our competitors. We're going to see what other people are doing. That's fine, but don't even think of them as competitors. - Kimberly (19:34)
The person who resonates with your message. They hear their problem being described and solved by your words. - Michele (30:34)
One of the things I've always said is I hated was self-promotion. And I changed my mindset. - Michele (32:32)
Now, you might be able to go from dot A to dot C and miss B once in a while…But you've got to keep those dots connected. - Kimberly (37:59)
Once we get through brand clarity, the other three C's become fun. - Kimberly (52:50)
Contact Michele
Email: Team@ScarletThreadConsulting.com
Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting
Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL
Contact Kimberly
Website: www.kimberlysundt.com
Instagram: @kimberlysundt
Facebook: Bring Your Brand to Life
References and Resources:
Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port
The 4Cs of a Strong and Intentional Brand - Read Today
The Designers' Inner Circle - Become a Member Today