143: How to Grow an Influential Interior Design Business
143: How to Grow an Influential Interior Design Business
with Diane Diaz
Joining me on the podcast today is Diane Diaz, the Lead Speaking Coach and Personal Brand Strategist with Speaking Your Brand. She works with women entrepreneurs to help them create their signature talk so they can speak with clarity, conviction, and confidence. Today we are going to talk about creating your voice, ways to use it in your marketing and personal sales cycle, as well as how to use it as a thought leader creating influence in your industry.
Topics Mentioned:
Brand Voice
Thought Leader
Listen to the Episode
Key Thoughts:
Your voice is kind of a combination of things. It's your personality and sort of the way you come across, but also wrapped into that are your values, what you believe in, what you stand for. Diane Diaz (04:11)
I think a pitfall of not having a voice, not defining it, is not knowing who we are. Not having a direction for our company, our brand, our packages, our pricing or decisions. Michele (08:24)
Once you modify your messaging, and your voice actually does come through authentically, as who you are, it will push some of the people you don’t want to work with away. Those are not the people you were meant to work with. So, it's okay. Diane Diaz (12:36)
When we craft this voice, right, this brand voice, and this message for our firm, it should spark joy. Michele (14:29)
It is very simple to make money, you sell the right product and service to the right person at the right price, and then you manage the heck out of it. Michele (16:20)
Contact Michele:
Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting
Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL
Website: ScarletThreadConsulting.com
LinkedIn: Michele Williams
Contact Diane:
Website: speakingyourbrand.com
LinkedIn: Diane Diaz
Instagram: @dianediazspeaker
Facebook: Behind the Design
Email: diane@speakingyourbrand.com
References and Resources:
AIM Masterclass - Watch now
speakingyourbrand.com/welcome/michele - Free workbook to develop your Thought Leadership