276: Strategy is Key for Longterm Success 

276: Strategy is Key for Longterm Success

I am so excited about our podcast today. With me is Courtney Bramlett. She is the director of marketing and operations here at Scarlet Thread Consulting and she's also the owner of her own company, The Good Sower. Courtney and I are going to have an in-depth conversation about strategy, why we need to have it, roadblocks that we see when people don't have a strategy, and we will share a little bit about the programs that we have coming this year that are available to help you all with strategy. I hope if nothing else, by the end of our podcast today that you will have a deeper understanding of why strategy is important to the overall long-term success of your company. Enjoy the podcast.  

Topics Mentioned:

  • Strategy 

  • Intentionality 

  • Goal Setting

  • Prioritization

Listen to the Episode

Key Thoughts: 

  • The true strategy is much, much deeper and more granular. When it's understood and done well, then your day-to-day becomes easy.  Courtney Bramlett

  • A strategic plan is meant to be over multiple years in most cases. It certainly is going to be the most detailed in the year that you're working in.  Michele Williams 

  • Business owners get in this rut of feeling like they're never hitting these objectives and goals that they have because they're trying to run in a thousand different paths at one time. So, I think strategic planning helps them with burnout, reducing burnout and decision fatigue too.  Courtney Bramlett

  • Two words that I see a lot of people run from and I think again, it goes back to education. They run from the word strategy, and they run from the word budget. They run from those because they think they lock them down. What I would say is they actually free you up. Because what a strategy is and what a budget is are decisions that you're making in advance.  Michele Williams 

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References and Resources:

Click here to read the transcript for this episode.


277: Demystifying Inventory in Your Business


275: Cheers to 2024!