When You Want A Goal To Be More Than A Wish, Make A Plan!
If you’ve already started or are about to start an interior design business, don’t miss this important info-byte: get your interior design business plan in gear.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’
Why You Need An Interior Design Business Plan
We’ve all heard the term, ‘business plan,’ but then no one seems to explain the nuts-‘n’-bolts, the guts of the plan. What goes into this thing??
This is where most of us feel overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated, and then we put the whole plan on the back burner while we continue to plod along. Don’t plod!
Don’t waste your energy heading down wrong-turns or dead end. A well-run business will impact every facet of your life. So, make a plan. Here’s what you need:
Sections Of A Business Plan
A business plan like your interior design financial statements comes with defined sections that act as a template. Once you know the sections, you can pick and pull them into your plan to add the details specific to your business.
· Section 1 - Description of business and offerings
Begin your interior design business plan with a description of your business. Not everyone who starts an interior design business operates the same or caters to the same clients.
This section helps you define your purpose; what do you do?? Go beyond the basics: categorize and define. For example: “design for large, open-concept interiors” does more to specify than just “design interiors.”
Same thing goes for your offerings. Instead of “consult with clients,” explain from your heart: “personally consult with clients to learn about unique interests that will translate into the design approach.”
· Section 2 - Ideal client, Marketing plan, Financial plan
Think of this section as your pie-in-the-sky desires for the business. “It is better to aim high and miss than to aim low and hit” (Les Brown).
Add to this section the type of client with whom you wish to work. The clearer your vision of the client, the more likely you will seek this sort of clientele.
Also add the marketing plan. How would you like to promote your business? For example, if you want to partner with a professional, put this into your plan: “Work with XYZ talent to establish marketing parameters and develop campaigns.”
This section also includes your financial plan: establish your interior design pricing, identify your interior design salary goal, include a baseline list of pricing interior design services, and establish your interior design fee structure. Again, work with an expert if you’re struggling to figure these out! This is where an interior design coach excels.
· Section 3 - Market differentiators
In here, define the things that set you apart – what makes you different in the market? Put your heart on the line, here. This is your passion, the reason you chose to start an interior design business. What do you offer that is unique from all the others who start an interior design business??
This section is your heart-and-soul and requires a real sense of your purpose. You chose to do this for a reason, and this portion of the business plan is where you identify your value to the market.
Don’t Just Wish Upon A Star
Stick to goals, not wishes; making a business plan gives your goals strength and purpose that propel you toward completing them. Get started by joining us in The Designers’ Inner Circle. You will have support, direction and clarity as you move forward to create the business that fits you!