255: Ignite Your Passion in Your Business
255: Ignite Your Passion in Your Business
With me on the podcast today is Jacqueline Green of Behind the Design company. Jacqueline is a coach, and she helps people move from having a hobby into a business that can be profitable. We're going to have a very robust conversation today on how to identify areas that we're passionate about and how to give ourselves the freedom to move from one direction to another, not to stay stuck. I hope you enjoy the podcast.
Topics Mentioned:
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Key Thoughts:
As you build wisdom, as you build your knowledge base, what was important to me in my 20s versus what's important to me in my 50s is completely different. That's what's so unique and fun, is really seeing what could this really be. And getting out of whatever mindset that we were kind of stuck in from our past. Jacqueline Green
Giving ourselves the freedom to even go through that discovery process, I think is really what you're inviting us to here, is to not feel that we have to be stuck, no matter how far we're in business, no matter where we are. Michele Williams
It's giving yourself permission to put yourself first on occasion to really look at what you really want in life and how you are going to get there. Jaqueline Green
I see one thousand opportunities within this industry to build a business, doing the parts that we always have, parts we don't love, but focusing on what you love. Michele Williams
Contact Michele:
Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting
Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL
Website: ScarletThreadConsulting.com
LinkedIn: Michele Williams
Contact Jaqueline:
Website: www.behindthedesignco.com
Facebook: behindthedesignco
Instagram: @behindthedesignco/
Email: jgreen@behindthedesignco.com
LinkedIn: behind-the-design/
LinkedIn: jacquelinereed/
References and Resources:
Financial Courses with Michele Williams including “Understanding Your Financials”, “Master Your Profit”, and “Pricing Without Emotion”
Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck
Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud